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For my first 3D project I was assigned to re-create Love Parade by Francis picabia in Maya.



This is the result!:


These are the Turnarounds used to make this possible:

pringle can and pipe
front view
box and cup
size view

Third Year Project

An animation project using basic rigging on a character, inspired by Ultimate Chicken Horse. Playblast rendered for the time being.

Ultimate Horse Adventure

Ultimate Horse Adventure

Play Video

4th Year - Lighting and Rendering

Assignment 2 (70%)


You are asked to create 3 fully rendered images (.TIFF format - 1920 x 1080 pixels) and associated Maya files (Maya files only in a single compressed folder) demonstrating a range of lighting and rendering techniques. The collection should include the following:


1: An interior scene lit with a mesh light at exterior window location and an internal coliminated to produce a art-directed, yet ‘natural’ internal lighting. This scene should include texturing and materials.


2: A studio-lit scene of a glass sculpture demonstrating ai shaders, reflection, refraction and caustics.

3: An exterior scene using Image Based Lighting (IBL) using High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI). This scene should also include bump and displacement maps.


4: A fourth 'freestyle' image with content of your choice but displaying a collection of techniques, including broken, to produce a production-ready photo-realistic image.

Project Management - Spaghetti Tower

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